Our New Topic is - What has changed since our grandparents were young? We enjoyed our first session last week with our Brilliant Beginning! We used the VR headsets to explore life in the 1960s up to present day.
Tuesday 17th January - our lesson will be all about toys - linked to our CST work about all working together as brothers and sisters. Why do some of us have so much and others are nothing at all? Not even food and water, let alone toys.
For this we need your help...
Please can each child bring in 1 toy that they do not use anymore and are willing to donate by Friday 20th January.
Thank you for your support.
This is our History Driver topic. We cant wait to be historians!
We will...
Sequence events and recount changes within living memory
Identify some similarities and differences between ways of life in different periods.
Ask and answer relevant basic questons about the past.
Sort artefacts from 'then' and 'now'
The children will get alot out of this living memory history topic, as they will be interviewing and chatting to parents and grandparents throughout the weeks to find out what life was like for them growing up and to see if they can spot the changes.