Class photos- Tuesday 28th June
As we are having class photos on Tuesday all children have to come in their full school uniform. Please can your child bring their swimming kit in their bag as usual. Just for this week the children will get changed from their school uniform. There is no need to pack PE kit as well.
Have a lovely weekend!
Miss Carey :)
Change of date for Year 2 Project Day
The year 2 project day will now be on Monday 11th July. Parents can still come in at 2.30pm on this day to see the projects. I am aware the year 5 project day is also on this day. Parents will be able to go to one class first then visit the other class after. You have an extra bit of time to make your projects absolutely amazing! I cannot wait to see them all. Thank you to parents for your continued support!
Miss Carey x
Sea Life Centre- Thursday 16th June 2022
How exciting, our Sea Life Centre trip is next week! Here are some details for the trip. Children are to arrive at school for normal time in full school uniform. However don’t be late as we will be leaving at 9am! Your child will need a packed lunch as we won’t be back at school until 2pm. Your child may bring some money for the gift shop afterwards if we have time. This must be no more than £5 and your child is responsible for their own money. I would suggest putting the money in a small purse or envelope.
Looking forward to a wonderful day out with you all! 🐠🐬🦀
Miss Carey x
Research homework due 8.06.22
Just a reminder that the next EBL research homework is due on the 8.06.22. This question did go out two weeks ago but we did not do an under the sea EBL lesson on the last week due to doing a Jubilee EBL lesson instead! You may have already done this but if not here is a reminder of the question below! Don't forget to start thinking about your EBL summer 2 projects for our exciting Under the Sea day in July.
Have a wonderful half term!
Miss Carey :) x
Research Question: Due Wednesday 8th June 2022
What lives under the sea?
Things to think about:
Multicultural week- Week Commencing 23.05.22
In Pre-School, EYFS and KS1 we will be celebrating all the different cultures in our community. We would love for our families to get involved with this.
Here are some ways you could join in:
-Send in artefacts/photographs
-Come in and do a short talk for the children
-Support with cookery or artwork in the classroom
-As year 2 are so grown up some of the children may like to do a talk!
-Or any other ideas you have!
If you would like to get involved please speak to Miss Carey to arrange how you would like to participate.
Thank you for your continued support!
Miss Carey :)
Easter Homework
Your child has been sent home with the following homework:
Mathematics reasoning paper
Spellings (test will be 29/04/22)
EBL research question
The maths paper and research question is due for the first day back please.
Thank you for your continued support this term and your lovely Easter gifts. Have a truly wonderful Easter and I look forward to seeing you in the summer term!
Miss Carey :) x
Easter Bonnet Parade
It is our Easter Bonnet Parade on 7th April 2022. Weather permitting parents can join us on the playground at 2.45pm. 🐣
Fundraising for Ukraine
Next week we will be planting our own sunflowers to raise money for the Ukraine Humanitarian appeal. The sunflower is the national flower for Ukraine and the children decided they would like to do this to raise some money for the Humanitarian appeal. We are asking for a minimum donation of £1 for the children to participate in this and take their sunflower home. A payment will be set up on school money so that donations can be made through this. Please can you make this donation to school money by Thursday 7th April. Thank you for your continued support and generosity. 🌻 🇺🇦
15.03.22- Assembly update
Just a quick reminder about costumes for the assembly.
Leprechaun- Green T-shirt and black jogging bottoms
Irish dancers- Black t-shirt, leggings and Irish dancing shoes.
Please could these be brought in a labelled plastic bag tomorrow (16.03.22) ready for Thursday. Thank you so much!
Miss Carey ☺️
Please can children come into school in school uniform tomorrow and every Wednesday. PE is now on Monday’s (dance) and Tuesday’s (swimming). Children will come to school in PE kit on these days.
Your child has been sent home with lines to learn for our class assembly. Please make sure your child has learned these off by heart by Monday 7th March. Some children have prayers and these do not need to be known off by heart (it will say in the back of the slip).
A gentle reminder to bring in a glass jar on Friday for our world book activity. Please ensure it has a lid, no label and has been washed out.
Thank you for your continued support
Miss Carey ☺️
Please can your child bring a jar with a lid on to school on Friday 4th March. Please make sure this is washed out and the label has been removed as we will be decorating them.
Many Thanks
Miss Carey :)
Updates for after half term
After half term, Y2 will be swimming every Tuesday afternoon from 1.15-1.45 at Haden Hill Leisure Centre.
Please ensure that your child comes dressed in PE kit on that day for ease of changing and brings their swimming kit in a bag. Kit needs to be trunks for boys and swimming costumes for girls. Children may bring goggles if they wish.
All children with long hair will be required to wear swimming caps so that their hair does not go in their eyes when swimming.
Due to this EBL will move to Monday afternoons. EBL research homework will be due on Mondays from now on.
Have a wonderful half term!
Miss Carey ☺️
Week Commencing- 10.01.22
Happy New Year and welcome back to school. It was so lovely to see you last week Year 2 and we had a great start to the year!
Just a few updates regarding homework for this half term. Our EBL has now moved to a Tuesday afternoon for this half term. Like last half term your child will have a new research question every 2 weeks and it will now be due in for a Tuesday. Please ensure this is being completed in your child's research book. It is your child's responsibility to make Mrs Morris or myself aware if they have finished their research book. It is really important your child is competing their research homework as it allows them to develop essential skills ready for KS2 and later life!
Spellings will still be given out every Friday and there will be a spelling test every Friday. The sheets do not need to be handed back in. The spelling sheet is for your child's practise at home.
Please ensure your child is reading to an adult every night and an adult signs the reading record. Again this is essential to ensure your child's progression.
I am looking forward to another great term with you!
Thank you for all your support, as always it is very much appreciated.
Many Thanks,
Miss Carey :)
Dear Parents/ Carers,
As part of our Advent fundraising, we are trying to raise money to buy ‘World Gifts’ from CAFOD to help families living in poverty buy essential items such as food, water and hygiene products.
In year 2, we have decided to do a sponsored dance as our fundraising event! We will be doing this on Thursday 16thDecember. Our goal is to dance non-stop for an hour. Please contribute any donations you are able to on school money. We are holding this fundraising event instead of sending Christmas cards so it is not an additional expense for families.
Thank you so much for supporting this important cause. Our contributions to ‘World Gifts’ will truly help a family living in poverty. If you would like more information, please visit the CAFOD website.
Thank you again,
Miss Carey :)
Updates 6.12.21
What a busy week ahead!
Thank you for all your support with getting pumps and costumes for our Nativity. We are very excited to be recording the performance on Monday which will be made available by the end of the week to watch at a time that suits you. If you are able to join us live for our performance to KS2 on Tuesday 7th Dec at 9.30, click on the link on our webpage and you can watch the children’s fabulous performance live!
Christmas Dinner
Tuesday 8th Dec- Come in own clothes and Christmas jumpers. We will change into our nativity costumes for the performance then back into our Xmas jumpers ready for our Christmas dinner.
We are really excited about the theatre trip on Wednesday. A lovely treat for the children after all their hard work. We have PE in the morning then will be having an early lunch in class before we go. The performance starts at 1pm and lasts 55 minutes so we will be back in time for the end of the school day.
Reminders - Come in school uniform. Bring PE kit in a bag.
The children can bring a small bag a sweets. Please remind your child that they are just for them and not to share, as we have children with allergies
Updates for week commencing 29.11.21
29.11.21- Wear purple to celebrate the first week of advent.
Nativity Costumes-
Thank you so much for sending the nativity costumes to school. We need all costumes in n
by Monday 29th November as we will be running dress rehearsals next week. The costumes should be in a named, plastic bag and all costumes should be labelled with your child’s name. Please keep practising the nativity lines at home. The. children are sounding amazing and have worked so hard! Thank you for your continued support.
A reminder of the costumes-
Narrators- Smart, party clothes with smart shoes or can wear school shoes
Kings, pages and giant star- black t-shirt, jogging bottoms/leggings and black pumps
All other roles need black pumps.
Thank you,
Miss Carey ☺️
25.11.21- Updates
Polite reminder- Please ensure you are hearing your child read every night and signing their reading record. It is essential for your child’s progression in all areas of the curriculum. Thank you for your continued support, it is very much appreciated!
Miss Carey ☺️
EBL Research Question- 17.11.21
Apologies for not sending the research question out this week. The following research question for Wednesday is:
Who was Guy Fawkes and why do we celebrate Bonfire Night?
Things to think about:
Your child should have their research book at home. If they don't please complete this on a sheet of paper. The children have started this topic already so they may have some prior knowledge!
Many Thanks
Miss Carey :)
Nativity information
Please can you ensure your child has their nativity lines with them everyday as we will be practising most days! Please can you encourage your child to know their lines off by heart by the end of this week (12.11.21). From the 15.11.21 I would really like children to be off their scripts so that they can really get into their roles, feel confident and most importantly enjoy it!
Children have been sent home with their Charanga logins and instructions on how to access the songs. It would be amazing if you could practice these songs at home.
Thank you so much for your continued support. Well done year 2 for your hard work, keep going! This is going to be a very special performance!
Thank you
Miss Carey ☺️
Week commencing 8.11.21
Children who are attending the multi-skills competition with Mr Hyde on the 9.11.21 need to come to school in PE kit. If your child is attending this, please ensure your child has a packed lunch with them for this day. Children who are attending this have been given a letter.
Please can you ensure your child has their Great Fire of London research with them on Wednesday as we will be completing our summary long write in EBL.
Thank you,
Miss Carey ☺️
Week Commencing 1.11.21
I hope you have had a wonderful half term Year Two. We have a very fun-filled busy half term ahead of us! Please can you come in PE Kit tomorrow (1/11/21). On Tuesday we will be starting our Healthy Me topic in science. Please can you bring in one item of food packaging from any of the food groups (Carbohydrates, Fruit and Veg, Dairy, Protein and Fats, Oils, Sweets). If possible can you try and make sure the packaging is clean! I am really excited to see you all!
Miss Carey :)
Date for your diary:
Open afternoon on Monday 11th October at 2.30pm. This is a lovely afternoon to share in your child's learning. You come to the classroom and sit with your child as they show you all the super work they have done this half term. We hope you can come.
Your child was sent home with a Numbots login on Friday 10th September. Numbots is a brilliant interactive maths that the children can play on the computer or on iPads. It builds on their mathematical understanding, recall and fluency in their addition and subtraction.
Their username and password is on the letter that was sent home and it is also on a sticker in the front of your child’s reading records. We have launched this in class today (14.09.21) so your child understands how to work the game. I really encourage you to use this at home as it is really fun and engaging. I will sometimes be setting it as homework and we will be using it regularly in class.
Enjoy upgrading your robots Year 2! 🤖
Miss Carey ☺️
For any parents that could not attend the Welcome to Year Two meeting please find the PowerPoint above. Information can also be found on the Welcome to Year Two info page. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any queries.
Thank you to all those who attended today, it was lovely to meet you all!
Miss Carey
Welcome to Year 2 Meeting for Parents
There will be a welcome meeting for Year 2 parents/guardians on Wednesday 8th September 2021 at 2.30pm. This will be held in the Phiz Lab, please enter via the Phiz Lab fire door where I will let you in. The meeting will be around 20-30 mins long. The information from the meeting will be made available for any parents or guardians that are unable to attend the meeting. I look forward to meeting you all!
Miss Carey