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Y2 are thinking about our CST for this term ‘rights and responsibilities’ and what our responsibilities are in forest school. We decided it is our responsibility to be a good steward and look after God’s creation. Litter picking and clearing forest school it is! 🍃

We had a great time in forest school with Mrs Morris thinking about the things we would love to see in our new Mary garden

It was a delight to welcome 2 members of year 6 to our RE lesson who told us all about preparing for confirmation!

Y2 were so lucky to welcome one of our parents today who taught us all about culture in Tanzania! It was so interesting and we are loving multicultural week in school!

Y2 invited Mrs Turner to come and hear their balanced arguments about whether break time should be longer or shorter. They made some really good points but I think the majority were for longer breaks!

We had a fantastic day at the Botanical Gardens learning all about plants 🌷

What a brilliant morning learning all about the vocation of being in the police force! Thank you for looking after our community 🙏

In science we have been exploring which conditions seeds will grow best in!

Today we started learning about fractions starting with equal and unequal groups

It’s vocations week in school! Today we were discussing our gifts and talents and thinking about what God has called us to be.

Year 2 had a great afternoon planting carrot seeds, we hope they grow so we can cook with them in a few weeks time!
