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Confirmation breakfast

Our fantastic Viking project day!

Race for life!

We really enjoyed music today using quickbeats on charanga!

We had a great first day with Matt Johnson creating our Confirmation strong doves for our art gallery

Year 6 enjoying our project ‘bakery’ in maths. We are scaling recipes for muffins, using a budget to plan a shopping list and using nets and geometry to creating packaging before baking our muffins!

We had a great day enjoying Pyjamarama day with our prayer partners! We read their favourite books to them to celebrate the love of reading.

We had a great time in our cricket workshop today!

Our Confirmation workshop- thank you to the parents and family members who joined us!

Vocations week was great! We are very grateful for all the visitors who joined us to talk about their vocation.

Year 6 really enjoyed the Vr today to start our EBL summer topic of the Vikings!
