Does the economy always serve society?
Through enquiry learning, children will use varying skills from geography, science and literacy to explore the question ‘does the economy always serve society?’ They will study this through the lens of Catholic Social Teaching, looking at ‘Option for the Poor and Vulnerable’ and through studying economics, trade links and the effects of globalisation.
Children will build their awareness of the social aspects of trade and where we buy produce from, thinking about how we can provide for the poor in our society.
Children will build on their prior learning of the geography of the UK and our local area.
They will look at the trade links between the UK and other countries and also the distribution of wealth within the UK. Children will look at the impacts of globalisation and the work completed by charities such as Fairtrade.
As we journey through Lent, across each subject, children will reflect on the treatment of the poorer people in society and how we can work to support them.