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We have enjoyed matching and grouping this week in maths, we have used our prior knowledge to extend our learning through a range of continuous provision activites.

Huge congratulations to our Golden Book achievers this week. You are FAN-TASTIC!

Our first time in Forest School! We enjoyed exploring the grounds playing in the mud kitchen, building bug hotels and even playing hide and seek.

Wow! What an amazing first week we have had together! We have made new friends, began our learning on our CST topic “family and community” focusing on building the kingdom for a whole day, understanding our family and how they help and care for us. We have said prayers for Mary in our Class Worship for her birthday, discussed our class saint and learnt all about Matching and Sorting in our maths lesson. We can’t wait for more exciting learning next week!

Welcome to Reception! We are so excited to welcome you all into your new classroom!
