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Breakfast with Santa. We had so much fun!

In PE this week we used the apparatus equipment and completed an obstacle course where we could move around confidently and safely. We also used different rolls and jumps when moving around the equipment.

This week we have come to an end in our topic of “what do we celebrate?” We have enjoyed celebrating Christmas this week, writing letters to Santa, decorating melting snowman biscuits, creating gingerbread collages, light patterns and retelling the Christmas story with the stable and characters.

In class worship this week we read the Christmas story together and added the characters to the stable as we read. This helped us to really understand the story and think about Mary and Joseph’s journey all the way to Bethlehem for Mary to have baby Jesus in a small stable with the animals. We spent some time in reflection thinking about the true meaning of Christmas and finished with away in a manger.

We enjoyed creating party hats for our Christmas dinner!

This week we focused on the joy and love candle. We spoke about how the shepherds were feeling when they travelled all the way to Bethlehem to see the new born King, they felt excited, joy and happiness. We also discussed the love candle and how this represents the love God has for us because he sent his one and only Son Jesus Christ. We took part in different activities, creating emotion faces, stable Christmas cards, advent wreaths and coloured in and labelled pictures of shepherds visiting baby Jesus.

On Friday we visited the Mac theatre! We had so much fun watching the Elves go on an adventure to give Santa his bag of letters!

In RE we have been continuing our learning on advent, where we are preparing for the birth of Christ. This week we focused on the peace candle and discussed the different way Jesus bring peace to our world. We spent some time in reflection thinking about how we can be like Jesus and bring peace to others.

This week in maths we have been focusing on comparison. We built on our understanding of composition of number by investigating the composition of 3,4 and 5. We used the cubes to create our own stamplolines and we were able to see the different way 3,4 and 5 could be composed.

In PE we have been continuing our learning on the different rolls and jumps that we have learnt over the half term.

In maths the children are continuing their learning on parts and wholes where they have been identifying which parts come together to make a whole number. They have also been learning about number composition of one more, where they have been adding one more onto a familiar number.

On Friday we had our Advent retreat day where we spent a day in class thinking about the Nativity with a focus on Saint Joseph. We read the story a baby in Bethlehem and asked our own Joseph in the hot seat how they felt on the journey to Bethlehem. We went to the hall to spend some time in reflection, where the children were so reverent and respectful. We left our shoes on the carpet and hoped that St Nick would fill them with sweets. We then spent the day immersing ourselves into wonderful learning about Joseph and his role in the Nativity.

Today we had our first stay and pray with our parents we enjoyed revisiting the advent wreath and discussing the candle we were going to light. We continued our learning in our continuous provision making wreaths and acting out the story.

In RE this week we have been learning about the importance of preparing for Christmas. The children understand that on Christmas Day Jesus was born and it is during Advent that we prepare for this special time by lighting the advent wreath. They loved wearing their Nativity costumes to act out the Nativity in our role play area.

Today we have been exploring advent and understanding what this means. We talked about the story of the Nativity and what we are preparing and waiting for.

In PE today the children took part in different types of jumps- pencil jump, star jump and a simple jump. They also took part in different rolls- an egg roll, a log roll and a pencil roll.

We had so much fun decorating our class Christmas Tree!

EYFS Nativity! The children were all superstars and worked so hard to get ready for their Nativity performance!

This week the children have began exploring composition by focusing on the concept of ‘wholes’ and ‘parts’. We investigated some of the things around the classroom, including ourselves to help us understand that whole things are often made up of small parts.

On Monday we had a special little visitor! Elf on the shelf! We read the story book all about him so we understand why he is here. He has come from the North Pole to keep a close eye on us all, he gets up to trouble when we are not at school and we must not touch him else he will loose his magic!

This week in maths the children explored number by identifying and matching different objects to the correct numeral.

We have entered the liturgical season of Advent, a time for preparation and expectation. The children have began their learning on Advent and are preparing for the birth of Jesus through different activities. This week the children have been focusing on the advent wreath and the Hope candle, they been thinking about the different ways Jesus brings Hope to them at this time of year.

This week the children have been exploring our Catholic Social Teaching focus, Stewardship of God’s Creation through the story book ‘Greata and the Giants’ . We discussed some of Gods amazing creations and how we should look after these by recycling our rubbish ♻️

In PE we have been practicing our balancing skills! We have took part in 1,2 and 3 point balances!

In maths this week we have been learning about counting, ordinality and cardinality. Using shiny pebbles to help with touch counting and knowing when to stop. We have also been learning about shapes with 4 sides. We recognised and named the different shapes, we also drew the shapes out with our magic fingers and sorted them into different groups “shapes with 4 sides” and “shapes without 4 sides”. The children then got stuck in with lots of different shape activities.

We had so much fun in forest school with the snow we explored the texture and look of it, made snow angels and we even built our own OLSK snowman.

This week we consolidated our learning about creation. We have learnt so many amazing things about God and his creation. He created the world for us to live in and he created us! Giving us so many different gifts and talents making us all individual. It is our duty to be a good Steward and take care of his creations!

Red Wednesday 2024. We spoke about people in other countries and how they are mistreated due to their faith and believing in God. We said a prayer for them and spoke about how grateful we are for the things we have and the wonderful ways we get to show our faith.

On Monday the children went to the library to listen to our new story “Greta and the giants” which is our CST book focusing on Stewardship of God’s Creation. The children shared a discussion about how the giants were mean and chopped down the forest which is one of God’s creations, they spoke about things they might say to the Giants to ask them to stop destroying the forests and how they can care for God’s creation.

Community Language Day! Wow! We had so much fun on Friday learning all about the country France. We said hello and thank you in French, we learnt a song in French, we tried some brioche rolls and pain au chocolates in our little cafe area with Mrs Ray and we listened to “we’re going on a bear hunt” in French read by Mrs Brandrick, it was so interesting! We took part in so many different activities with pre-school.

This week the children have been comparing amounts. Using the language “fewer” and “more” the children have been able to compare different amounts of objects. We have also started to learn about triangles and circles, recognising where these shapes are in our environment and how many sides they have.

This week the children have been learning more about Gods creation, and understanding that they themselves are part of Gods creation. God made everyone good at something, these are our gifts from God and some people use these gifts to help others. Our gifts included drawing, building, playing, running and smiling.

This week the children continued their learning on subitising, we used plates with dots on up to 4 and used our fingers to represent the numbers we subitised.

Our first PE lesson with sports plus! We took part in different games and activities, we enjoyed star jumping and rolling!

This week the children began their learning about the story of Gods creation. We have explored different things that God created and we listened to the story of creation which is the first story in the bible. The children took part in lots of activities exploring Gods creation further.

This week we have been learning about the story of Rama and Sita, the children learnt how Diwali is celebrated with diva lamps to represent light over darkness. The children then made their own diva lamps with different materials. They also explored rangoli patterns and henna tattoos.

This week we have been learning all about Bonfire night, we have had our own Bonfire party and then explored the sounds of the fireworks and pretended to be them. The children have got stuck into lots of different activities with different resources to celebrate Bonfire night.

Happy Half Term! Well done Reception for all of your hard work so far, we are so proud of you! ☺️

Our super Golden Book achievers! Well done girls! ⭐️

In maths this week we have been learning about composition of 1,2 and 3. We have learnt that one and one makes two and one and one and one makes three. We have explored this in different ways and now understand that two parts come together to make a whole. We played a fun game using a bowl to hide the Pom poms to help us recognise the parts of a whole number. Some of us explored this up to number 6!

We went outside for an afternoon with pre-school and joined in with lots of activities to help with different areas of our development including both fine and gross motor skills. We used the bikes and rode around cones and signs, we used chalk to be creative and use our imaginations, some of us drew candles from our RE learning, holes in the ground for builders to fix, we drew around other children and wrote our names. We had so much fun in this learning!

This week we have been learning about Jesus and how he is the light. We listened to the bible story ‘I can see’ during class worship and how Jesus healed the blind man and said “I am the light”. In our RE lesson we learnt about the Baptismal candle and how we receive this at our Baptism ceremony to symbolise our faith in Jesus Christ.

We have been consolidating our learning on Family and Community, focusing on who we are and who we belong to through the story Elmer. This week we looked at how we are unique like Elmer and why we are special, we used sequins and gems to explore Elmer patterns, created Elmer elephants on the computers and used mirrors to explore our facial features.

We have so much fun taking part in flappers where we get to use our gross motor skills to create big movements to fun music!

On Monday we explored Harvest and what this means. We looked at the types of fruit and vegetables farmers harvest at this time of year and then used some of those to paint our harvest pictures.

Today in Maths we have been learning about patterns and different ways these can be made. Most of us enjoyed making ‘a b’ patterns and some of us enjoyed making ‘a a b’ patterns.

Well done reception for a fabulous Harvest festival! Thank you for the food donations for Black Country Food Bank!

This week we have been continuing our learning about Baptism. We have learnt about a Baptsimal Ceremony and what happens during the Baptism service and the importance of the giving of name. We loved sharing our own Baptism photographs with each other!

I had a wonderful time in YR today sharing my pictures & experiences of being a pilgrim to Lourdes in France! The children were so attentive in their listening about St Bernadette. During continuous provision, the children had the opportunity to say the Rosary using their Rosary Beads! We even got to use the Holy Water for our prayers! 🙏💙🙏Thank you YR! love from Mrs F ❤️

We had so much fun at the Judo workshop! We played some fun games and learnt how to do some Judo.

During Maths this week we explored using language capacity to deeper our knowledge and understanding of capacity and our ability to recognise and compare the amounts in each container.

In PE this week we have been continuing our learning on racing’s and chasing, focusing on spacial awareness. We played a game called ‘chase the tail’, this game helped us to understand the space we were in as we had to run around from taggers in a shared space.

We have been learning about Baptisms, we have learnt that this is a sacred ceremony that takes place in church where families celebrate together. We have also learnt about the different people that work in the church.

Golden Book awards 🙏❤️

During Maths this week we have been learning about size. We used big and small bears and chose the correct sized items and clothing for them, we looked at different sized animals and ordered these into groups as well as using pictures to put into size order.

In RE this week we have been learning about celebrations in families. We heard the story about the Wedding at Cana and how Jesus turned water into wine. After learning about celebrations we role played as a class a wedding, we had so much fun!

World Space Week☄️🪐 We have been learning about the different planets in the Solar System and created our own planets with paper plates and different types of materials, we also created space collages. We were so lucky we got to go inside the space dome and see what space really looks like, we were all so amazed!!!

For World Day of Migrants and Refugees we learnt about what it means to be a migrant and how some people choose to leave their homes for work and that a refuge is someone who is forced to leave their home. We discussed the feelings of these people and the items they may choose to take with them if they left their home. We also said a prayer for them🙏

During Forest School we have been using drama to act out a family setting in our mud kitchen. We have also been exploring what is around us in our community, we are in awe of Gods wonderful world! We are so blessed 🙏🏼💕

October - The Month of the Rosary 💙🤍🩵 Together during worship we were learning all about then Rosary and what prayers we say. We said a decade of the Rosary together to mark the month of October.

In PE on Tuesday we went to the hall to play some games with the parachute. We played fruit salad and popcorn these games tested both our gross motor skills and listening skills. We were FAB-U-LOUS!

This week continuing our Family and Community link we have been exploring the different stages of growth and development. Exploring how we grow and what we can do at different stages.

Receptions Golden Book superstars!

In Maths we have been learning about Mass. We used weighing scales to weigh different objects to see which was heavier and which was lighter. We also used ourselves as human scales to see which objects we thought were heavy and light!

In our PE lesson this week we have been focusing on racing and chasing using our gross motor skills to race against other teams in our class.

In RE this week we have been learning about Jesus’ hometown when he was a child - Nazareth. We have been building Nazareth with our building blocks and making collage pictures to create Nazareth Street. We discussed how Jesus learnt about God, through visiting the synagogue. We also shared how Mary and Joseph would have helped to take care of Jesus as a child and how they would have taught him about God.

During our learning about Owl Babies, we have looked at different types of Nocturnal Animals and talked about how they sleep in the day and are awake at night, we made comparisons with other animals and even ourselves to embed our understanding about Nocturnal Animals.

We started bike ability today we practised how to sit on the bike, walk with the bike and control our balance on the bike. We had so much fun.

This week we have been looking at different types of families and how they are all different but all very special within our community. We have compared our families to the family in our story ‘Owl Babies’

This week we read the story ‘Owl Babies’ focusing on the meaning of family and how we care for one another. We also had a look at places in our community and why these are special, we spoke about our school, church, and homes.

In RE this week we have been learning about the people who care for us. We know about the people we live with and how they look after and care for us, we also discussed the Holy Family, who is in it and how they are a family just like us.

We have enjoyed matching and grouping this week in maths, we have used our prior knowledge to extend our learning through a range of continuous provision activites.

Huge congratulations to our Golden Book achievers this week. You are FAN-TASTIC!

Our first time in Forest School! We enjoyed exploring the grounds playing in the mud kitchen, building bug hotels and even playing hide and seek.

Wow! What an amazing first week we have had together! We have made new friends, began our learning on our CST topic “family and community” focusing on building the kingdom for a whole day, understanding our family and how they help and care for us. We have said prayers for Mary in our Class Worship for her birthday, discussed our class saint and learnt all about Matching and Sorting in our maths lesson. We can’t wait for more exciting learning next week!

Welcome to Reception! We are so excited to welcome you all into your new classroom!
