Are natural resources a blessing or a curse?
Our question for this term 'Are natural resources a blessing or a curse?’ will be explored through the Catholic Social Teaching lense of Stewardship of God's creation across the curriculum.
In EBL we explore this through being geographers. We will be building on our prior learning from years three and four to deepen our following geography skills: locating the world's countries, naming locations in the United Kingdom and their geographical features, describing economic activity and describing the distribution of natural resources.
We will be studying where the world's natural resources can be found, in particular focussing on the Amazon Rainforest and the UK. We will study which countries use the most resources and analyse the impacts of resource exploitation across the world. Studying human geography, we will look at the difference between a linear and circular economy and which one we'd like to strive for.
The children will use all of this knowledge at the end of the unit to complete a source analysis around the degradation of the Amazon Rainforest.
Children will be encouraged to share their own ideas throughout this, allowing them to build curious minds. Throughout this study we will be continually building upon our skills and knowledge. Therefore, our ‘golden nuggets’ of knowledge will be embedded in our long-term memories!