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Spring 1

Who are we called to be?- Dignity of the Human Person & Solidarity of the Common Good

Our question for this term of ‘Who are we called to be?’ will be explored through the Catholic Social Teaching lens of Dignity of the Human Person & Solidarity of the Common Good across the curriculum.


As part of our enquiry learning we will be historians through looking at the changes in Britain from the Stone Age to the Iron Age. We will discover how history has impacted on the present day in Britain. The children will begin to develop a chronologically secure knowledge and understanding through looking at the different time periods (Palaeolithic, Mesolithic and Neolithic) within the Stone Age. We will also look at what it was like to survive in the Stone Age and explore how we can stand in solidarity with those who struggle to survive in our world today. Through looking at a range of sources the children will come to understand how our knowledge of the past is constructed. We will locate and explore the significance of Skara Brae and the important history it carries for Britain. The children will be able to identify the changes that were made between the Stone Age through to the Iron Age by the end of the half term and how it has impacted Britain today. Through exploring this history, we will think about ‘Who we are called to be’ and how we can show human dignity to others in our local community, nationally and globally.


Children will also be encouraged to share their own ideas or experiences throughout this, allowing them to build curious minds. Throughout this study we will be continually building upon our skills and knowledge. Therefore, our ‘golden nuggets’ of knowledge will be embedded in our long-term memories!  
