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Update on our first month back in school!

What a wonderful month we have all had settling back into life at OLSK!!


The children raced in on the first day with smiles on their faces and a spring in their step and we were SO glad to have them all back where they belong


All of the children, including our lovely new Reception class and Pre Schoolers, have settled into OLSK school life and are having a wonderful time in their classes, learning lots of new things and renewing old friendships. 


Although things are a little different, staff are working extremely hard to ensure that every child continues to feel valued and loved and strive to bring the best out in each and every one of them.


Therefore, due to this and the demands of every day teaching and learning staff do not have time to complete phone calls or emails home to update parents on children’s progress.


We truly do appreciate that it's such a strange time and all of the children as well as parents have had to make the massive transition back into school life but we can assure you that if any member of staff had any concerns or worries about a child, they would be in contact with parents directly. 


In an ideal world staff would be able to touch base, informally with parents on the gate in a morning or afternoon but due to COVID restrictions, this is no longer the case.


An Autumn term report will be coming home with each child at the end of October. This will include how the children have settled into school and any targets to work on at home. It will also include a sheet that you and your child can complete about their return to school and their report.


We want to thank you all once again for your continued support and good wishes.


Stay safe


Love Mrs F and all of Team OLSK xxx
