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  • June is the month of the Sacred Heart

    Tue 09 Jun 2020

    June- Month of the Sacred Heart
    The month of June is dedicated to the Sacred Heart of the Lord Jesus. Friday 19th June is the dedicated feast day of the Sacred Heart. A devotion to the Scared Heart of Jesus is a devotion to Jesus Christ himself. It is a very busy month in terms of witnessing and celebrating our faith. The Sacred Heart of Jesus represents the entire mystery of Christ, the totality of His being; the Son of God, in whom we place all our trust.

    Pope Francis invites everyone to pray the Heart of Jesus for the entire month of June and to support our priests so that they always reflect the image of that Heart full of merciful love. Let us remember in our prayers, our Parish Priest, Father Gerry, as he continues his ministry to the church and its people in these challenging, uncertain times.

    Try to say this simple prayer as a family every day in June: ‘O Sacred Heart of Jesus, we place all our trust in you”! 

  • Message from Fr Gerry for Holy Trinity Sunday 2020

    Mon 08 Jun 2020

    Dear Friends, I hope you are all well and continuing to Stay Safe.


    Although our churches remain closed, you'll no doubt  be pleased to know that preparations are well in hand for the day when we can fling the doors of St Kenelm's open and welcome you all back inside. Obviously, things won't be the same as they were previously and we'll have to get used to a 'new normal', whatever that may be, but it will be great for us to meet again, and I am very  much looking forward to that. It's been a long time!


    Today, the Church celebrates the Feast of the Most Holy Trinity. This Feast is always celebrated on the Sunday after Pentecost and reminds us that the God we love and worship is One who reveals himself in a unity of three Persons; Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Over the years, many great minds have employed different methods to explain the Trinity - an egg (yolk, white, and shell), an apple, (seed, flesh, and skin), and St Patrick used the Shamrock, but helpful 'though they are, none of these can fully illustrate or define the beauty of the God who made us, the God who saves us, the God who is with us now, calling us into an eternal communion of love with Him and with each other. Our God is a great God and He is the One we celebrate today and everyday.


    If you haven't already seen it, watch 'Fr Joshua Waltz's Vocation Story'' (55 minutes) on YouTube. Fr Waltz is a priest of the Diocese of Bismarck in North Dakota and he tells the story of his journey to the priesthood in a very entertaining way.


    Promoting Religious Vocations is a responsibility we all share. Pray for more vocations to the Priesthood and Religious Life, and I actively take this opportunity to encourage any young man or woman reading this to consider that God may be calling YOU to serve Him as a priest or Religious. Furthermore, I invite you if you want to find out more, to see me!


    Fr Gerry x

  • School Update from Mrs F

    Mon 01 Jun 2020

    Good afternoon everyone, I hope you are all keeping well during these uncertain times. 

    As you know, we have been open to the children of key workers since the Government announced that schools were closing on Friday March 20th 2020! 

    Today, in line with Government advice, we have opened up to the children, whose parents chose to send back to school, in Y6, Y1 & YR. These children have been put into social bubbles with a limited team of staff, (we have five staff off, who have been shielding) to enable us to follow Public Health guidance regarding social distancing & trying our best to keep everyone safe. 

    These ‘bubbles’ will remain as they are unless the government states otherwise; if our Prime Minister makes a change & we can accommodate this change, I will contact you all to stay so. 

    Thank you to all those parents who have been communicating with us via email or telephone, to thank the staff for all they’re doing to ensure that their child is safe to come to school- we really do appreciate it. Staff have been working extremely hard to ensure that school is the happy, safe and wonderful place it always is. 

    Until we meet again; stay safe, 

    God bless, from Mrs F 🌈😊🙏💕
