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  • Bird feeders, rock painting and cricket!

    Thu 07 May 2020 Mr Brown, Miss Meese, Miss Mallin and Mrs Ray
    We made the most of the sunshine and painted recycled milk cartons to create bird feeders for Forest school. Then we painted some rocks and hid them for everyone to find when they return to school. Finally we practised our throwing, catching, bowling and batting skills in a game of cricket (the perfect sport for social distancing!).
  • Message from our ArchBishop Bernard Longley

    Sun 03 May 2020

    Archbishop Bernard reads his Pastoral Letter for the fourth Sunday of Easter, Good Shepherd Sunday. 

  • Message from Fr Gerry 💕🙏🌈

    Sat 02 May 2020

    Dear Friends, I pray and hope that you and your loved ones are all keeping safe in these trying times. It's a long time since we met, and I don't know when we'll be able to meet again, but please be assured of my continued thoughts and prayers for you all. You are all remembered everyday at Mass, and are missed by me more than you realise.
    Visit the website to read more

    love from Father Gerry 🙏💕🌈
