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Useful websites for continuing your Faith Journey

This information has been sent by the Birmingham Diocesan Education Service and has lots of useful website links to enable you and your children to continue your Faith journey at home.  


Ascension Day Mass for Children: 

Fr. Des will celebrate Ascension Mass on Thursday 21st May at 9:00 and 7:00.


Fr. Anton from the Oratory is celebrating a Mass for children on Thursday 21 May 9:00


Christian Meditation: 

The Catholic Children’s Society in collaboration with the World Community for Christian Meditation have a YouTube channel. New meditations are posted every Monday, Wednesday and Friday for children and every Thursday for young people.


Novena to the Holy Spirit: 

Please encourage your school communities wherever they may be to say a Novena starting tomorrow and leading up to the celebration of Pentecost: the birthday of the Church.


This week’s Mass for the Sick and their families, NHS Front Line Workers and those working in Social Care will be celebrated by Bishop Mark Davies at Shrewsbury Cathedral at 7:00 on Thursday 21 May.


CAFOD continue to update their resources for schools and homes. Their new focus is ‘Make this a summer of hope.’ On Thursday 18 June they are holding a National School Assembly on the theme of hope.,6VIQ8,RGLPEY,RLIKQ,1


Virtual Lourdes Pilgrimage: 

The Annual Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes takes place next week. Thanks to all those schools who have contributed to this.  You can find out more here


A message from Kenelm Youth Trust: 

We are working on a few fun initiatives for the following week including some input for the virtual Lourdes pilgrimage on the Wednesday. The diocese will release the programme for this but the Youth Mass will be live streamed from Alton and we will be participating in the concert in the evening with Jo Boyce and Dan Callow.

The following video was created by the team here based on a prayer written by Fr Tim. We hope you love it as much as we do. I would be so grateful if you could share it far and wide!
