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We have won another prestigious award!!


​Date 7th July 2023

Dear Mrs Finnegan & Mrs Morris,

Following your LiveSimply Award assessment during which you and your pupils shared the actions you havebeen participating in to demonstrate how you have been living simply, sustainably and in solidarity with the world’s poorest communities, we have great pleasure in confirming Our Lady and St Kenelm Catholic PrimarySchool has achieved the LiveSimply award. This is a fantastic achievement, and we warmly congratulate you, your pupils, and your staff team.



Your award plaque has been ordered and will be sent direct to your school. We hope you will be able to display it in a prominent place somewhere on your school premises.


In compiling the report, we note there is much to commend. It was wonderful to hear of all the outreach work your school is participating in to support your local community, refugees & asylum seekers, and our global community too. Your pupils were able to articulate howimportant it is not just to learn about Catholic Social Teaching but to put it into action. 


When asked why it was important to look after God’s planet there was a beautiful answer “We are shepherds to the world and we are here to care for it”. It was super to hear of the strong links between your school and parish communities and in addition how you are reaching out to work with lots of other people and organisations, including your local MP and ASDA with their Food Rangers Programme.


Thank you for your continued support of CAFOD, it is much appreciated. 


Siobhan Farnell, CAFOD LiveSimply Award Assessor was delighted to confirm Our Lady and St Kenelm Catholic Primary School has achieved the LiveSimply Award. She said “The pupils and staff have trulyembraced living simply, sustainably and in solidarity.They have built a strong connection with their local community to ensure all feel welcome and valued, and they have reached out to support our global sisters and brothers living in some of the world’s poorest communities. Their inspired actions have and will continue to make a real difference to our planet and tothe lives of others in their school, local community, and our global community. I wish the pupils and staff all the very best as they continue their journey”.


We hope the ethos of LiveSimply continues in your school for many years to come and encourages current and future pupils to live simply, sustainably and in solidarity with the world’s poorest communities through faith inspired actions that impact your school, local and global communities.


Once again, very well done on your award – it is a fantastic achievement and demonstrates your commitment to LiveSimply as a vital part of the Catholic life and mission of your school.

Wishing you all the best as you continue to stand in solidarity with our global family and be active stewards of creation. 

Siobhan Farnell
LiveSimply School Coordinator
LiveSimply Award
CAFOD Schools
