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URGENT - Measles Alert

We have been asked to make you aware that unfortunately Measles cases are on the rise in England, with over 120,000 children starting school or early years provision being at risk of catching the disease.


It is a viral infection that is highly infectious and if left unvaccinated nine out of ten children in an early year’s setting can catch the disease if just one child is infectious.


It causes cold-like symptoms including a high temperature, runny nose, and red, watery eyes, followed by a rash a few days later.


Measles can make children seriously unwell with one in 5 needing a hospital visit, and one in 15 developing serious complications from a measles infection, which can include meningitis and blindness.


Two doses of the MMR vaccine can help stop children becoming seriously unwell with measles. See below for more information about measles infection:


Public Health also wish to advise that it is not only young children whose parents/carers should ensure they have their vaccinations to prevent Measles.


Measles can also affect staff and parents in our school and more especially those adults who may have missed out on these vaccinations when they were young, as they can also receive the vaccination, it is important that as many children and staff are protected, measles is on the rise locally, nationally and worldwide and is highly infectious and can in a small number of cases prove fatal.



NHS Conditions-Measles

Children learn, play, and socialise with more children when they start at a new nursery, school, or college. Make sure your child is up to date with their MMR vaccine for the best protection against becoming unwell. If your child has missed their first or second dose of MMR vaccine contact your GP surgery to book an appointment. If you are unsure if your child is due a vaccination, check their red book or contact your GP surgery. It’s also never too late for adults to catch up on their MMR vaccinations which are free on the NHS.


Please see the following for further information about measles, the MMR vaccine, and other vaccinations:

NHS Vaccinations

NHS MMR Vaccine

Dudley Let’s Get-Protect Your Health-Vaccination
