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Message from Fr Stefan 🌈🙏🤗💕

Message from Father Stefan
Dear Parishioners, I just want to say hello to each and everyone of you!  I am 52 years old, I was born on the 18th May 1968 (Saint John Paul’s birthday was also the 18th May). My father was Polish & my mom was a Brummie! and I was born in Birmingham.

I was ordained in 1997, and I first met Fr. Bruce at seminary when he joined my year group.

I have been a secondary school chaplain for 20 years, a parish priest for 17 years, and twice I have been a university chaplain.
I look forward to, at least, seeing those who are able to come to mass at this moment in time, and, later on when Covid-19 is finally solved, meeting everyone else.

I must express my thanks on behalf of us all to all who have been keeping our community going over this tough time for us.
The one thing that strikes me this week is the response to our psalm:
“Give the Lord glory and power.”
Let us try and give the Lord the glory as we live through this week.
May the Lord watch over you.
May Our Lady of Czestochowa put her cloak of protection around you.
May St. Kenelm always be your guardian.
