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Latest Information on Coronavirus for parents from Public Health Department, DMBC

CORONAVIRUS (COVID-19): Information for parents


It is currently unlikely that you or your child will catch the coronavirus in the Dudley borough.


How serious is the coronavirus?

  • The infection is mild for most people, including children. Older people, and people with pre-existing medical conditions (such as asthma, diabetes, and heart disease) may be at higher risk of more serious illness.


  • Most people get better with enough rest, and plenty to eat and drink.


How likely are you to catch the virus?

  • The chance of being in contact with the virus is currently low in the UK.


  • You can only catch it if you have been close to a person who has the virus (less than 2 metres for more than 15 minutes).


  • If you and/or your child has returned from Wuhan city and Hubei Province in China, Iran, Republic of Korea including the areas of Daegu or Cheongdo, or any Northern Italian town under containment measures, you should stay at home and do not attend education or work for 14 days. Call NHS 111 for further advice.


  • If you and/or your child has travelled to one of the following countries: Cambodia, China, Hong Kong, Northern Italy, Japan, Laos, Macau, Malaysia, Myanmar, Republic of Korea, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand or Vietnam in the last 14 days and are unwell with flu like symptoms you should stay at home and call NHS 111.



  • If you haven’t been close to anyone with confirmed COVID-19 or haven’t been to any of the places above or mentioned on the government website, you are fine to carry on as normal.


What you and your children can do to stop the spread of coughs and sneezes


  1. Cover your nose and mouth when coughing or sneezing, use a tissue when possible
  2. Throw away dirty tissues promptly and carefully
  3. Clean hard surfaces (such as door handles) frequently using a normal cleaning product
  4. Most important of all, wash your hands frequently with soap and water
  5. If your child is unwell keep them at home until they are better



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