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Coronavirus Update!

What is the school currently doing to reduce the chances of the virus getting into school?

  • We are closely monitoring the local and national picture. 
  • We are liaising closely with Dudley Local Authority who are liaising with the Department for Education and Public Health England. 
  • We are teaching the children best hygiene practice and would encourage you to continue to discuss hygiene with your children. 
  • We have increased the cleaning on key touch points (handles, buttons, rails etc.).
  • Every classroom and communal areas are already cleaned daily. 
  • We continue to use tissues for each class to ensure these can be offered out if a child has a cold, and we are reminding children to sneeze or blow their nose into a tissue and to wash their hands – “catch it, bin it, kill it!” 
  • We are ensuring that children wash their hands thoroughly before mealtimes and when they have gone to the toilet. 
  • We are monitoring any child or staff absence and are asking about any symptoms they may have and advising accordingly. 
  • We are looking at how we can adapt any activities which have an increased potential of the spreading of virus e.g. food tasting, assemblies. 
  • We are continuing to monitor the risk of any external trips or visits.


What will the school do if there is a confirmed case in school?

  • We will immediately contact the local authority and take advice from them, Public Health England and the guidance in place at that time from the World Health Organisation. 
  • Mrs Finnegan will liaise with the Chair of Governors to discuss the advice and decide whether we feel that is sufficient. We will then make a decision as to what needs to happen. 
  • We will ensure we communicate as promptly as possible and keep parents well informed (the text system will be used to communicate).
