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Y2 have been writing biographies about our class Saint- St. Teresa of Calcutta. What an amazing example of helping the poor and vulnerable she was 💙

In art, Y2 have been creating Somalian landscapes using oil pastels. We thought about the dry ground and how it is hard to grown crops and feed animals in Somalia. We said a prayer and thought about those who may be hungry or thirsty because of the dry landscape

Year 2 are loving their basketball lessons with Mr Benjamin!

Wow, Y2 loved VR this afternoon linked to our new geography topic ‘Is there enough for everyone?’. We thought about option for the poor and vulnerable and learnt how the recent drought has impacted food supplies in Somalia. We also compared Mogadishu to Halesowen!

What an amazing afternoon we had in Y2 with West Midlands Fire Service! We learnt more about The Great Fire of London, fire fighting today and even got to spray the hose!

We’re learning all about money this week in year 2!

We are loving dance with Mr Benjamin!

Miss Maule was teaching us all about feelings in RSHE today, we even used the thesaurus to find different words to describe feelings

Today we started our new topic all about The Great Fire of London! We found out that the fire started in a bakery on Pudding Lane in London, in 1666.
