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Reminder - Project Day is just around the corner! 


Please bring your project in on Tuesday 11th July. Parents and carers are invited to view them from 2.40pm onwards.


Thank you


Our Trip on Friday 30th June


Unfortunately the forecast has predicted some rain, so please bring a lightweight raincoat! You can wear your own clothes but make sure they are appropriate for walking around a farm and that your footwear is appropriate too!

Don’t forget your packed lunch! Remember, no fizzy drinks or glass bottles. 
We are due back at school before the end of the school day. 

Summer 2 updates


PE: Wednesdays and Fridays


Phonics Screening: Week beginning Monday 12th June


Library Visit: Friday 16th June (pm only) 


Farm Trip: Friday 30th June (all day)


Class Assembly: Thursday 6th July 2.30pm


Project Day: Tuesday 11th July 



Updates Thursday 25th May


Library Visit - DATE CHANGE. 

It is now Friday 16th June. This is pyjamarama day in school so we will be walking down to the library in our pjs and snuggling down with our books at the library! Please make sure your child has appropriate footwear for the walk (trainers or shoes).

Parents and grandparents - if you would like to walk down with us and enjoy the library visit too, please let Mrs Mitchell, Mrs Sweeney or the office know. (Pyjamas are optional for you!!)


Phonics Screening - letter coming home


Updates: week beginning Monday 22nd May


- Dance Extravangza Tuesday 23rd May. Come in your costumes! (1950s/60s like you did for project day) Please bring school uniform in a bag so we can change afterwards. We will not have another PE slot that day.


- Wednesday: some of our parents have kindly volunteered to come in and share  for multicultural week. We have sent an information leaflet home about food tasting.

Changes to timetable Wk beginning Tuesday 9th May


Tuesday - come in uniform. (PE changed to Friday this week)


Wednesday - PE with Mr Benjamin (come in PE kits please)


Friday - Dance with Miss Shepherd, moved from Tuesday just for this week ( come in PE kits please)


Friday is also our ART DAY and we are doing nature sculptures, so you will need wellies (For Forest School) and an old t-shirt/apron to wear during art activities.



 You are welcome to join us for the performances of our dances with Miss Shepherd. Ours is linked to our 1960s topic, so the children can dress in the same outfit they wore for our project day before Easter, or something else that fits with the 1960s theme.  Thank you

Have a sneak peak of our dance!

Still image for this video


Summer Term 2023

Welcome Back everyone! We hope you had a restful Easter with your families. We can't wait to welcome you back into school on Monday 17th April.



  • PE is still Tuesdays (dance) and Wednesdays. Children are to come to school in their school PE kit on these days. 
  • Y1 are leading Mass on Thursday 27th April, so please come and join us at 9am if you can.
  • Bank Holidays: Monday 1st May and Monday 8th May.
  • Non-uniform day and picnic on Friday 5th May to celebrate the coronation. 


Our New Topic this term is 'Where does our food come from?' 


Below is a copy of our topic project for this term. 

Our Project Day is on Tuesday 11th July



  1. Please bring in projects on Tuesday 28th March
  2. Parents are invited to view the projects at 2.30pm on Tuesday 28th March



For our action for the Poor and Vulnerable (CST focus this half term) and to tie in with our topic, we are doing some delicious baking (from recipes that our grandparents would have used in the 1950s/60s) and will be doing a cake sale to raise money for Cafod. We invite  parents to buy their children's cakes when they come for the project visit, so please bring your purses!




Due in Monday 27th March

(Books coming home to write in on Friday 17th March)


What sort of music would our grandparents have listened to when they were young?

Ask your grandparents these three questions....


  1. How did you grandparents listen to music when they were young? (what devices/where/when?)
  2. What styles of music did your grandparents listen to?
  3. Find out the names of some musical artists your grandparents listened to when they were your age.


EBL research question. Change of due date. DUE WEDNESDAY 15th MARCH

PE Spring 2 and Summer 1

Children have dance every Tuesday and PE every Wednesday this half term and in Summer 1, so please send your child into school in their PE on both these days. Thank you

EBL Project

Just before the Half Term Break, I sent home project information for the children. (There is also a copy below)

Every class in KS1 and Ks1 have a project each term related to their EBL topic. In Year 1 we start with a mini-project in Spring 2 and a project in the Summer Term linked to our Farm and Food topic.

The children will still have their research questions for EBL lessons to do, which will be in their green books with the dates to hand them in on. Research Books need to be in school on Tuesdays.

Thank you.

January 2023

Welcome back everyone! We hope you had a lovely Christmas and wish you all a happy and healthy 2023.


A few notices:

Next week is CST week - Solidarity and the Common Good. Meet Shristi and Chikondi who will be helping us to think about how we are all brothers and sisters in our human family and can work together for the common good of all.




Our New Topic is - What has changed since our grandparents were young? We enjoyed our first session last week with our Brilliant Beginning! We used the VR headsets to explore life in the 1960s up to present day. 


Tuesday 17th January  - our lesson will be all about toys - linked to our CST work about all working together as brothers and sisters. Why do some of us have so much and others are nothing at all? Not even food and water, let alone toys.


For this we need your help...

For our CST ACTION, we would like to collect unwanted toys from our homes to donate to places they can be reused, such as the Welcome Group, local charity groups and charity shops. 


Please can each child bring in 1 toy that they do not use anymore and are willing to donate by Friday 20th January.


Thank you for your support. 


Bambinelli Sunday

Please see the letter below inviting you to church on Sunday 11th December 2022 for Bambinelli Sunday. We look forward to seeing you there!



This year’s Nativity performance is fast approaching, and it is time to organise costumes. School will be providing most of the costumes, but your child may need to bring in additional items.  


Please send the items described above into school by Monday 21st November, in a named carrier bag. Please ensure ALL items sent in are named to avoid confusion and/or loss of items.  


 If your child is a PAGE for one of the Kings, please can you bring into school some...




If your child is a VILLAGER, please can you bring in to school some...




If your child is an ANGEL, please can you bring in to school some....


(Boys can bring in white or grey jogging bottoms and a white top)



Mrs Mitchell and Mrs Sweeney


Welcome back to Year 1 and their families. We hope you had a lovely half term break!


A few notices to get us back into the swing:


  • A reminder that our RWI Workshop is on Monday 7th November at 9am. We hope to see you there!
  • EBL books in by this Tuesday (1st Nov) please ready for our writing session.
  • Holy Day of Obligation Tuesday - All Saints Day. You are welcome to join us for mass at 9am led by Y2.
  • We are starting to prepare for our Nativity performances on Friday 9th December, so expect to hear your children coming home singing (hopefully!). We will be asking for support with learning the words to the songs and support with costumes. We will let you know the details of the costumes asap.
  • Thank you for supporting your children with their reading. We can see some great progress, particularly by those children who are doing their three daily reads at home with their families. Well done!




Thank you for supporting your child with their reading.


Please ensure your child has their reading book in school everyday.

We are encouraging 'THREE READS' of each book as discussed at the class meeting and RWI meeting. (Please see welcome meeting ppt for details or the literacy part of the website).

We have noticed it making a huge impact on children's fluency and comprehension.


HOWEVER: We are finding hard to change some books as regularly as we would like as the reads at home aren't being recorded. 


This is a great example of how you could label the reads 1, 2 and 3 in your child's reading diary. 


It was lovely to meet so many of you at the Y1 Welcome Meeting today. I have attached the ppt below.

A few people had questions about RWI and the sets of sounds. Just to clarify, the 'sets' of sounds are just the order in which the children learn the sounds. Starting with single sounds such as m, a, s, then moving on to digraphs e.g. ay, ee and trigraphs e.g. igh, air.


All the children get access to learning and practising all of these sounds in Year 1 and Year 2. You can support your child by focusing on revising the sounds that are in their home reading book and using the Ruth Miskin website. I have attached the sounds below.


Please ask if you have any questions.

Mrs Mitchell




Date for your Diary - Our welcome to class meeting is on Monday 12th September at 2.30pm. Come to the phizz lab door.



Wishing all children and their families a very warm welcome back to school! Children, it was wonderful to be with you today and start to get to know you. I will see you in class on Monday. Mrs Sweeney can’t wait to see you all!


