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Beautiful class collective worship led by a group of our Y4s to end Holy Week πŸ’•πŸ™

Y4 made some amazing sculptures as part of their art curriculum πŸ’•

Making beautiful Easter cards to take home & send to the parish πŸ™πŸ’•

We thought about the reasons why different groups did or didn’t want Jesus to be crucified. We re-enacted the trial of Jesus taking on the roles of different groups to debate what should happen πŸ™

The children worked so hard preparing for & performing their part in the Passion Play πŸ™

Our 90’s themed hip hop dance for our Jubilee celebrations is coming along really well 🀩

A beautiful class collective worship planned & led by some of our Year 4’s πŸ™

The children have made some fabulous Anglo-Saxon projects at home. Thank you parents for supporting the children with their amazing home learning projects πŸ’•

Another beautiful Class Collective Worship led by members of our class focusing on the season of Lent πŸ™

Practising our 90s hip hop dance

Investigating sound- what causes the volume to change with different instruments? 🎸

We set up & created our own class prayer service of Reconciliation as part of our RE unit all about Lent

A beautiful class collective worship led by some of our class

Rocket making workshop

Fabulous costumes for World Book Day

Making gratitude jars based on the story The Invisible

Creating one of the Stations of the Cross- Jesus is taken down from the cross

Science- exploring how sounds are made

Class Collective Worship led by some of our children

Performing the Can-Can

Still image for this video

Practicing the Can-Can on our violins

Still image for this video

Literacy- exploring how a character might have persuaded another through role play. Some great performances & excellent use of language.

Using concrete apparatus to learn the method of multiplying efficiently in Maths.

Making leaflets on Purple Mash to explain the different parts of a computer πŸ’»

Active Maths- practising our times tables to BBC Supermovers

Some of the fabulous work we did on Solidarity & the Common Good

Practising holding a hockey stick correctly & passing on target through different sized gates πŸ‘

Making simple series circuits using different electrical components in Science πŸ’‘

PE- Hockey. Practising push passes πŸ‘
