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We have enjoyed sharing our games from home with our friends, taking turns and teaching the children how to play them! We hope you have a lovely Christmas and a Happy New Year!

In PE this week we enjoyed climbing on the climbing frame, learning how to do a forward roll and jumping off the apparatus.

We made a Christmas tree out of sticks and logs in forest school. We thought about the size and length of them and where to place them on the ground. We even made decorations out of bendy sticks and hung them on our tree. Reception worked together as a team to create the fabulous Christmas tree!

We loved having our Christmas dinner with our friends!

Breakfast with Santa in Year Reception

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Today we had breakfast with Santa! Wow we heard his bells as he came to our classroom and we are all on his nice list! 🎅🏻

This week during Welly Wednesday, the children in Reception became Stewards of Gods Creation. We went around forest school, collecting any litter that we could find and put it in the bin. We had a discussion about why it is important to protect Gods creation and what we can do to look after it.

Today we had our first ever stay and pray with our parents, we were learning all about the first candle in the advent wreath and continued our learning with other continuous provision activities linked to advent.

This week we have been making our own rice crispie Christmas puddings. We designed them and then had a go at mixing the chocolate together and looked at what happened when the chocolate was melted.

‘Oh we wish it could be Christmas everyday!’ Together as a class we all helped put the Christmas tree up and hung baubles, beads and tinsel on it.

Today we did the reindeer run for Mary Stevens Hospice we raised lots of money for a fantastic cause!

During PE we have been practising our jumping. We are practising our star jump, pencil jump, tuck jump, half jump and a full jump.

This week we have started our new story linked to topic, we are learning all about the Nativity story. We have been acting out the story with out friends and completed lots of activities linked to the story.

Today we have been on a shape hunt around the school playground, we took Elma to see if she could find any of the shapes too.

As part of our worship we have celebrated ‘World of the Poor Day’ we talked about the things we are fortunate to have which other people may not have.

We made Diva Lamps from salt dough, we enjoyed decorating them too.

We’ve enjoyed revisiting the story of Rama and Sita this week by pretending we are the characters through role play.

In PE we have been learning how to travel safely on a bench and also how to jump off different heights of the apparatus.

During Welly Wednesday, we became scientists! We made dens out of different materials and experimented with the torches to find which materials would let light through and which ones wouldn’t.

The children thoroughly enjoyed their first gymnastics session with Mr Benjamin they listened well and followed instructions. What a tremendous lesson, super proud.

On Thursday, in RE the children in Reception were learning all about weddings. The children shared photographs that they brought in, we held a wedding in our classroom and had a party to celebrate afterwards.

Bonjour what a great day we had as a Foundation Stage today learning all about France 🇫🇷

This week during topic we have read the story of Rama and Sita and explored Diwali throughout continuous provision activities.

This week we have been learning about the importance of Remembrance Day and why we wear poppies.

We’ve enjoyed subitising in maths with a dice and putting the same number of toppings on our pizza

In Autumn 2 our new topic is ‘Celebrations’ we have been talking about what a celebration is and how people may celebrate in different ways. This week we have focused on Bonfire Night we have explored the colours of fireworks and the sounds they make. We have also been learning safety tips from Fireman Sam. We have enjoyed creating our own tent to camp in with our own bonfire!

Today we had our first session with Elma and as we are learning all about repeating patterns we were able to create lots of patterns together and got Elma to check them!

Thank you for celebrating your children’s work - I think you would agree they are truly AMAZING 🤩

What a fabulous day we have had, Reception were lovely and welcoming to the Pre-School children as they joined us in our learning environment . Together we learnt about a range of places we live, and extended this knowledge through play! We came together for a musical session, working as a team to keep the beat for Beat Baby and suggesting instruments for the song, ‘I am the music man’ 🥁🎹 We ended our day with some calming mindfulness 🧘‍♀️

Our Maths Days are fun packed whereby we practice our counting skills, pattern work and talking/ exploring 3D shapes. Linked to our focus book “ Peace at Last” the children did some observational paintings of different size Bears. A small group of children worked together to create a house big enough for all three Bears - they rose to the challenge and succeeded.

The children are confident when accessing the Theatre Role Play it is lovely to see them sharing ideas, resources and performing songs for each other. They enjoy exploring the different instruments and some can even maintain a steady beat whilst playing. They also like watching themselves dance in front of the mirror. To extend the learning we added costumes for the children to take on a character. The Farm Shop is very popular and it is lovely to observe the children developing storylines in there.

Look at all the opportunities the children have to develop their fine motor skills, they are working so hard to learn to write their name independently. They are enjoying writing for a purpose in the Farmer Shop ( shopping lists, labels) and in the Space Station. They are developing their scissor control by making puppets for the theatre show and acting out a narrative to their friends.

The children were really engaged in their learning this week about “ Space” they enjoyed working together to create a large spaceship in the outdoor classroom. They made a 2D shape rocket in the creative area and explored the glitter in the small world creating a storyline about being an astronaut 👩‍🚀- thinking about what would they take with them to space.

During forest school this week we have enjoyed leaf weaving with each other. We collected lots of leaves then started to weave them through the boards.

This week we have done active maths with numbers and also some weighing heavy and light items. We were able to see what happens to the scales after we predicted what was heavy and light.

This week Pre-school joined us to learn more about Harvest. We held our own Harvest Service, with our very own Farmer! We shared our knowledge of the work of farmers during this time of year, discussing the different foods they harvest. We discussed where our Harvest Donations will be going and who they will be helping. We then visited Forest School and created two scarecrows, explored the natural materials and investigated different creations within our environment.

We had so much fun using the bikes this week and working on our balancing skills.

Preschool and Reception class wowed us with their performance of ‘a dingle dangle scarecrow’ today during our Harvest Festival celebration.

Congratulations to our golden book children this week!

This week we have been learning all about creation this term and have been retelling the story through role play.

We have enjoyed practising out number formation together and using the bears to represent 1, 2 &3

We have been working hard on our letter formation together.

This week in Maths, the children have been learning about the numbers 1, 2 and 3. We have practiced writing numbers, finding groups of items and explored different Maths resources such as Numicon, tens frames and counting teddies.

This week in Welly Wednesday, our Reception class explored the Forest School area, collecting items that God created. We found twigs, leaves, stones, worms, slugs, feathers and flowers. We have brought them back to the classroom to explore during continuous provision.

YR sang their special song with gusto to their families!

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Father Stefan officially welcomed the Reception class children & their families. We hope they will all be very happy in OLSK!

This week we have been learning about our families, drawing self portraits thinking about our facial features, continuing to learn about the creation story and engaging in Maths continuous provision. We are looking forward to seeing you all at our welcome service on Wednesday!

Our Year 6 Prayer Partners

Our First Welly Wednesday!

On Monday some of us had our first hot dinner and others had a packed lunch we ate in the hall together!

We had so much fun on our first day of school!
