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Does our school keep you informed of what is taught in RE lessons?


Yes - 80%

No - 20%


Are you happy with the progress your child is making in RE?


Yes - 90%

No - 10%


Does your child/ren enjoy RE lessons?


Yes - 100%


"Enjoys the different aspects through writing, drawing etc"


"The stories are interesting but can find them difficult"


"My child has developed a wide range of prayers and knowledge appropriate for their age in a short space of time"


"My child often tells me about the topics covered in RE along with the charity work and ways they live their faith through good works."


"It would be great and very helpful to get an idea of what my child is going to be thought at the beginning of each year. This way I can help my child to understand aspects of our faith and assist with what they are taught at school."


"My child is learning a lot"


"Yes. Always pleased to share what's been learnt in lessons"


"It is evident hearing my child the development shown and the spiritual growth."


Does our school offer a distinctly Catholic education?


Yes - 90%

No - 10%


Do you think our school provides clear, moral teaching?


Yes - 90%

No - 10%


Does our school provide good opportunities for spiritual and moral development?


Yes - 90%

No - 10%


How does our school do this?


"Themed lessons, gospel values each term, each year celebrate their patrons in Mass."


"Through Catholic Social Teaching"


"The children are invited to take part and be involved in a wide range of learning development in many aspects of the above."


"Charity works, various pupil-led groups, Catholic Social Teaching information and activities (inc. workshops for Parents/carers), sacramental preparation, whole school ethos displayed and discussed in assemblies and Masses and many more!"


"Through daily morals and values imparted on the children"


"Clear expectations on behaviour and standards. Dress codes, plus links associated with DABs etc"


"The ethos of the school and preparing children for First Holy Communion and Confirmation is very encouraging to see."


Are there regular sacramental celebrations of school and class Masses?


Yes - 100%


Are parents welcome to attend these celebrations?


Yes - 100%


Have you attended any school Masses?


Yes - 70%

No - 30%


Does our school provide opportunities for children to pray daily?


Yes - 100%


Do you pray regularly with your child/ren?


Yes - 90%

No - 10%


Are you familiar with the prayers children are expected to know?


Yes - 80%

No - 20%


What prayers does your children/ren know?


"Our Father, Holy Mary, School prayer, Prayer to Guardian Angel, Prayer for deceased, Prayer to Archangel Michael, Spontaneous prayer (i.e. what are you grateful for)"


"School prayer, holy Mary, our father, glory be"


"The Lord’s Prayer, the Eucharistic prayer"


"So far in Pre School my child has learnt the end of day prayer, Our Father, (most of) hail Mary and we do a regular prayer at bed time, giving thanks for each day and blessings"


"My child prays to God whenever she needs"


"Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be..., Eternal Rest, Night prayer, The Angelus, School mission statement (which is treated as a prayer), The Fatima Prayer, The Rosary In Mass- The Gloria, The Creed, various prayerful responses"


"The school prayer, our father before and after meals and before going to bed. Prayer for peace, forgiveness and for others."


Are there strong links between school and parish?


Yes - 80%

No - 20%


Please explain your answer


"I think the link is strong via Father Stefan and active participation of kids in Sunday Mass."


"Priest attends mass on school each week, children Masses at certain times of the year at church, stations of the cross at church, Holy Communion and Confirmation meetings in church"


"Most friends and their families attend mass together and communication is good regarding events"


"In the past I felt there was much strong link between school and parish. However, I don't feel it is the case anymore. For example the Sunday after 1st Holy Communion there were only 5 children with parents attended mass with the parishioners."


"Only answered no as I am unsure but I know Father Stefan does visit and the school holds Masses as well as children being invited to all other Masses"


"Father Stefan attends school and leads school Mass regularly, a number of the children from school would attend weekly Children's Liturgy prior to COVID and some Parishioners would attend school Masses (pre-COVID). The school, children and staff were often mentioned before and after special events within Sunday Mass ie. Prayers were said for sacramental preparation."


"Although church meetings always cancelled and dates for events from Father, planned late"


Has your child/ren brought home the class prayer bag?


Yes - 80%

No - 20%


How have you used this as a family?


"We used it to pray together as a family and thank God for Catholic schools, where children are educated in accordance with our faith."


"Our child writes her own prayers and we read them together"


"Usually he and I would use it at prayer time together but he would also talk about it and show his older sisters too."


"We have used the prayer bag to reflect and pray with our child and good to see our child being in charge."


Have you engaged with the RSHE, 'Life to the Full' resources?


Yes - 30%

No - 70%


How have you used these resources?


"Usually through discussions about various topics."


"Didn’t look"


"Read them so aware of content"


"We talk as a family as it is something we ask what our children have learned at school and encouraging them to voice out their knowledge and opinion."


Do you access our fortnightly online newsletter?


Yes - 80%

No - 20%


Please leave any other comments you would like to make about Catholic Life, Collective Worship and RE at our school


"The school has a good all round Catholic ethos and this is shown in the attitudes and behaviour of both pupils and staff"


"We are so fortunate to have a school that meets almost all of our child's needs in all aspects. We moved house halfway through the year and I was determined to keep him at OLSK despite the huge commute. As a result, I am keen to stress at this point that although he doesn't attend OLSK Parish Church, he is a keen attendee at Sunday Mass at our new local Parish Church- St Elizabeth's. He has even talked about offering to read! Sacramental preparation has been challenging in terms of attending the Wednesday evening sessions for Parents but I am happy to say that both school and Parish have been accommodating. They obviously have to promote the importance of good preparation and attendance at Mass but I am happy that staff were discerning enough to note that my son and his family have and are preparing in their own way."


"Keep up the good work"


"Well structured and delivered"


Are there any areas you would like to know more about?


"Not as of yet as I am enjoying each step of the journey with my child again."


"I would like to hear the responsibility of the school linking with the church."


"No. Everything is explained well thank you."

