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OLSK Curriculum Intent

This is a Catholic School which seeks to live out the values of Jesus Christ.

We promote these values by our words and deeds, and Catholic doctrine and practise therefore permeates every aspect of the school’s activity. We provide a Catholic curriculum, which is broad and balanced, recognising that every pupil is unique and is created in the image of God.


Our curriculum is designed to enable every pupil to discern their vocation and to be well equipped to follow it as active citizens in service to the world.


Catholic Religious Education is the “core of the core curriculum” (Pope St Paul II) and the foundation of the entire educational process.  We also provide a wide range of extra -curricular activities and strong pastoral support. We incorporate democratic principles, value the rule of law, support individual liberty and foster a community in which different faiths and beliefs are respected.


From Early Years to Year 6 at Our Lady & St Kenelm's, we endeavor to make learning memorable in order to develop historical skills and concepts; so that this can be built upon as the children develop their understanding.


We want to ensure the children can apply these skills to whatever period of history is being studied, through use of clear assessment of children’s understanding and effective use of resources within lessons.


Our curriculum ensures that essential skills and concepts are revisited and developed further so that the children can improve their understanding and embed into their long term memory. These key historical skills and concepts, which are revisited throughout different themes, include:  chronology, historical terms, historical enquiry, interpreting history, continuity and change, causes and consequences, similarities and differences and historical significance. 


Our Lady & St Kenelm Curriculum Intent, Implementation & Impact, Statement.


At Our Lady & St Kenelm, we have designed our own curriculum, to make learning at OlSK really special.


Our Curriculum is delivered through Catholic Social Teaching, deepening the understanding of where we come from, who we are called to be, our aspirations for the future and to build God’s Kingdom here on earth. Our shared Catholic beliefs and values are woven through the curriculum to inspire and unify all of us. 


BTK will be woven through the whole of the curriculum, including all the Foundation Subjects. See our BTK Strands below…


Autumn 1 
Family  & Community 

Autumn 2 
Stewardship of God’s Creation 

Spring 1 
Dignity of The Human Person 
Solidarity of The Common Good 

Spring 2 
Option for the Poor & Vulnerable 

Summer 1 
Dignity of Work and the Rights of Workers 

Summer 2 
Rights and Responsibilities 


Our curriculum is designed to educate and form, with a mission to transform all children, for the transformation of society. As they journey through OLSK, it is our vision that our children will become advocates for social justice, fighters for sustainability, seekers of equality and leaders seeking to become “builders of a new humanity” (Pope Francis).


Through the delivery of an enriched, broad and balanced curriculum, our children will develop resilience and resourcefulness, becoming reflective reciprocal learners. Our Curriculum is delivered through our Catholic story, deepening the understanding of their own story – to know where they have come from, their aspirations for the future; to become closer to the person God has called them to be. Our shared Catholic beliefs and values are woven through the curriculum to inspire and unify the children.


A rich provision of opportunity is provided through immersion points, experiences, educational trips and school visits. This ensures that every OLSK child is receiving a quality of experience that is a sacred endeavour of discovery. With this each child will become a curious and active learner, seeking to discover and experience how the world is charged with the grandeur of God


In providing a progression of skills and knowledge we aim to ensure that our children are ready as independent, critical thinkers for their next stage of learning.


Through a creative, innovative and diverse curriculum our school seeks to meet the needs of the whole child developing spiritually, morally, socially, culturally and emotionally.

We weave the new subject content and skills through all core & non-core subjects, to form our Creative Project Based Learning Curriculum. As a result, these strands are woven together to form an exciting, innovative and relevant curriculum for our pupils.


Our curriculum is Rooted in our Gospel Virtues – sense of community and parish, respecting and caring for others, spirituality and being the best that we can be, lead assemblies and Masses, time for prayer and reflection.

The curriculum offer is regularly reviewed to check that children have learned what was intended and iteratively improved to keep it ambitious. The transition from Y2 to Y3 is carefully designed to minimise the KS2 school dip. We ensure equality of access for all children, including providing rich experiences to complement the curriculum and life beyond school. We ensure an extensive music and sport provision and prioritise social and emotional development to build character. We celebrate diversity and difference through whole community events.
